
the little black dress, Part IV

please read parts 1-3, in the posts directly below this one.

he rolled back onto his heels and away from her steaming vagina. take your shoes off, he commanded, she did as she was told. slowly she lowered herself onto the soft heels of her feet. he set her shoes to his right. turn around. not sure where he was going with his commanding demeanor, she decided not to argue. he hadn't disappointed her yet. he began to stroke her thighs and ass. nice, he murmured as he placed butterfly kisses on the ample cheeks of her derriere. he raised up fully on his knees and began to kiss and stroke her back. how did he know that was one of her spots. her knees began to buckle. she felt him grin into each kiss he placed on her back.

is something funny? she asked.

no. step back.

she complied. he kissed the backs of her knees and ran his tongue along the delicate strip of skin where her thighs ended and her buttocks began. she shivered again. he placed her foot on his thigh. slightly off balance, she awaited the next flick of his tongue. she felt him bend her leg and raise her foot to the doorknob. what the... quickly he took one of the lace straps from her shoe and tied her foot to the knob. awkwardly, she pitched her body weight forward. her face was pressed against the red door and her hands precariously grasping at the door jamb. she knew two things. one, she wasn't into s&m and, two,she was wide open. the cold night air tickled her pink lips and sent shocks through her clit. she thought to untie herself but she wanted to see what he had planned. standing behind her, he whispered in her ear.

i promise you three like this.

with the tingle the night air created in her body, she was already close to one. he pulled his shirt out of his slacks and sat between the door and her thigh. pushing slightly away from the door jamb without losing her balance, she saw him look at her pussy in awe. she could just barely feel the warmth of his breath on her mons. it was a strange sensation as the cold air would waft around her clitoris alternating with his breath. he moved his face close to her clitoris. she moaned in anticipation. he placed a hot kiss on her pubis. she began to pant and whine. she wanted him to take her in his mouth, but she was damned if she was going to beg him to do it. maybe he didn't eat pussy. she doubted it. there was something very erotic about the way he looked at her folds of womanhood. he was deeply engrossed and at rapt attention. she felt a familiar pull low in her abdomen. the hell she was coming. then he looked up at her. she could barely read his expression in the dark, but she could sense his animalistic attraction. she couldn't stand it any longer. she closed her eyes and let the feeling begin to subsume her. she began to shake. she could feel his eyes on her, feel his breath on her womanhood. she began to moan loudly, just as her first orgasm started to take over, she felt his mouth hot and hard, sucking her clit, milking her. she began to tremble violently. her breath coming in short spurts. her knees gave way as her love juice trickled down her thighs. he felt her come and wouldn't let go. she felt him shift his mouth, slicing his tongue over her clit while sucking all of her orgams out of her. she crested, again and again and again. he wouldn't stop. at some point, he had untied her ankle and her foot inched higher on the door frame to allow him better access. he gave her one rapt tap on her behind, she screamed into the depths of the night and crumpled to the porch, drained. she didn't know how many times she came, but she was sure it was more than three. too sated to open her eyes and look for or at him, she felt him move her. she hoped he had at last opened the door and they could go inside to the bed. she found herself on her hands and knees with her pashmina cushioning her from the hard cold wood of the porch.

wildly, she looked around at him. you owe me two more, he said as his hand slid from her slit to her sex button over and over again. she began to tingle. two more, she thought. impossible. she didn't need to come anymore. she would have been happy to take a nap. she was resting on her forearms with her ass in the air, once again, exposed. before she could express her doubt in her ability to come again, he softly lapped at the sensitive area between her pussy and her anus.

damn, she muttered.

he inserted his tongue into her hot box. he applied light pressure to her anus with his thumb. for a moment she was afraid he was going to try to finger her there. she relaxed as she realized that his only intent was to stimulate her nerve endings. she could feel another orgasm coming. he placed his hand low on her stomach as if to further expose her womanhood. with excrutiating deftness and painful precision, his thumb slowly, s l o w l y rotated over her sensitive nub. she tried to jump from the combined pleasure of his mouth and thumb. the position of his hand prevented her from moving. she had to take it. tears began to well in her eyes as the monster of her orgasm devoured her. thrashing her head from side to side, her entire body began to jerk. he knowly replaced his thumb with his mouth. his tongue moved about her protuberance while his lips firmly held it in place. tears slid down her cheeks as she wordlessly shook her head in bliss. there were no words. nothing had ever felt like this, as good as this. she felt liquid shoot out of her. there wasn't anything she could do about that now. the man and the sensations for which he was responsible were all that mattered in this moment. her legs began to slide across the floor trying to raise her ass in the air as if to get away from his relentless mouth. she barely registered his grunt, but he didn't stop. she didn't know that she had moved them nearly two feet across the porch. he let her go as he began to see the skin at her knees breaking from wood burns, as she was no longer protected by the pashmina that lay in a heap where they had started. he pulled on her nub with this mouth before letting her go. she released an animal-like scream that registered with his own animalistic nature. he sat back on his knees smug, as he watched her body continue to spasm as she lie on her side, her love juice trickling over her thigh.

she was suspended in another world. she thought she heard an animal sniveling. it took three full minutes before she realized the sounds she heard were coming deep from her own throat, deep from within her. her body continued to buck from the aftershocks of pleasure that still gripped her. her body was swathed in sweat. she couldn't feel the cool winds at all. in fact, she was only vaguely aware that her companion had left her. for a moment, she wanted to cry at his sudden abandonment. since he had shattered her to pieces, she wanted him to put her back together again. before she could think about it further, he stood before her with a quilt and a bottle with a substance that glinted yellow in the moonlight.

bed. she rasped. her throat sore from the screams torn from her deeply sated body. he walked just out of her eyesight. she felt the cool air whoosh against her skin. as he bent to lift her, she opened her arms to him, needing his warmth, needing his strength. he walked a few steps before placing her on the out-spread quilt. no. she told him with determination.

but you owe me one more. he reasoned. i can't. the panic in her voice nearly tangible.

one more. he remained steadfast with no room for objection. surely, he was the devil she thought. her tormentor. she was barely capable of rational thought, let alone another orgasm. she expected him to be freaky, not crazy, not a masochist. fine, she thought, if she died from an overdose of sex, at least she would die happy. and, with the way that her body was feeling, she was sure that she had absolutely nothing left.

he stripped down to his underwear. his own arrousal pulsing in the light of the moon. she could tell by the determined set of his jaw that he would not give into his own desire until her fulfilled his promise to her. he stretched his long, lean body onto the quilt beside her. he told her to lay on her back. again, she followed his instruction. on his side, elbow bent with his head resting in the palm of his hand, he reached over her skimming her nipples with his outstretched arm as he grabbed the unfamiliar bottle. too resigned to fight, she decided not to ask him what was in the bottle. she was instantly warmed by the heat radiating from his body. she fought a shiver--a flashback of the pleasure he granted only moments before. he placed the bottle on her stomach and traced her lips with the tip of his tongue. she darted her own tongue out to engage his in a sensuous battle. she could handle this. an hour of this and she would be ready for penetration. he kissed her lazily, his tongue drugging her, making her breathless. she was unaware that he had opened the bottle. she felt intense warmth on her nipples. oh g-d. she thought. this felt good...real good. she pulled her lips from his, as he looked at her nipples expecting to see his fingers tugging and pulling at them. they glistened in the moonlight. rather unexpectedly, she felt his hot mouth on her nipple. damn, i got got again, she thought. these feelings were postively divine, ordained, . . . heavenly. with light pressure, he took her nipple between his teeth and released. as her breast vibrated from his abrupt release, he blew across her chest. her stomach clenched. she owed him one and she was sure, at this moment, that she would deliver. he leaned farther over to lave the same attention upon her other nipple. he placed his hand just under her pelvic bone centered between her hips. with the heel of his hand he placed pressure there while his mouth worked her other nipple over.

he removed his hand when he felt her g-spot harden from the outside. slowly, he inserted two fingers inside of her. he curled them as if to beckon her third coming. quickly, he began to move his two fingers against her g-spot while alternately blowing on her areolae. this orgasm wasn't nearly as intense as the last but it was a welcomed relief and release to her. she watched him watch her as electricity flowed white hot through her veins. she clung to his forearm as she came the requisite third time. instead of feeling drained, she felt as if she could conquer the world. she had boundless energy. she was ready for him. she asked,

may i see inside the house now?

indeed, you may.


  • At 5:48 PM, Blogger Weather Man said…

    everytime i c a new one i dont expect it to beat the last one but i guess u keep proveing me wrong ; )

  • At 6:17 PM, Blogger Jody said…

    very hot

  • At 9:18 AM, Blogger artgirl said…


    of course i would send my mugs cross country!!! email me if you would like prices, etc. i do not know what shipping would cost but i will look into it.

  • At 8:25 PM, Blogger becomingme said…

    thank you very much mr. powers. i assume that you are referring to my writing ability?

  • At 11:10 AM, Blogger becomingme said…

    mr. powers,

    thank you for taking the time to comment on my skills. i await your comments on the next installment.

    i just love having intercourse with you...intellectual intercourse, of course.


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