
the little black dress, Part II

please read the first installment below...

yeah. yeah. yeah. she had heard it all before...twelve inches...go all night...i eat pussy like a pro...bl-blah, bl-blah, bl-blah, blah, blah. he stepped aside and with a gallant sweep of his arm, he invited her to lead the way. she began walking through the throng of sex-crazed dancers. her cheeks begin to tint pink as she felt his left hand on her hip and his groin solidly situated against her ass. his hand molded to her hip as if it was cast to fit her hip, just then, just that way. as she came to a particularly dense grouping of dancers, he put his hand on her rib cage. to onlookers, it probably looked very innocent--a lover, a boyfriend clearing the way for his companion. as she tried to navigate two bodies between bodies pressed upon bodies pressed upon bodies, his hand slowly slid under her red pashmina, gently brushing the skin on the underside of her arm, underneath her dress. she sharply inhaled as his blunt fingers found and pinched her right nipple. she felt the sweet torture of her dress rubbing against her upper thigh. then as if to torment her with whispered promises, he, instead, flicked his tongue inside of her ear. quickly she pushed through the crowd trying to get away from the cocoon of pleasure he was trying to wrap her in. as she pushed through the dancing couples, he let go of her nipple and, again, placed his left hand solidly on her left hip.

she made her way outside. funny, it was much colder when she started down the street. her "date" placed his hand at the small of her back. walk. he said. she wasn't into any rape simulations. slowly, she tilted her head up with a bright smile on her lips. initially, she planned to jovially explain to him that she was not his bitch or his ho and that she would do things her own way in her own time. initially. his mouth descended upon hers like a bird upon its prey. his tongue snaked around hers, stroking, laving every nubby nerve ending as if to forever mark his memory. he licked her lips with his tongue before he broke the kiss with a grin. her moist lips quivered as she opened her eyes questioning why he ended the kiss. quickly he ducked his head, stepping in front of her, he led her to the darkened aclove of an abandoned building.

the metal grate felt cool against her flushed cheek. his groin pressed, hard, into her buttocks. she whimpered softly as he spread her legs with his foot. he brought his right hand in front of her hips, under dress, and up to the dampened crotch of her lacy panties. i can do better than that, he said as he ground his thick member against her ass. he began to manipulate her clitoris between his thumb and index finger. he stretched his middle finger forward to rub her damp slit. with his left hand he pulled her in closer to his groin. she felt him straining between her butt cheeks. she began to move against him letting go of a deep moan. damn, i'm horny, she thought. she felt her clit grow as middle his finger began to glide at her most intimate opening. with her hands clenching the links of the fence, spread eagle, she began to grind herself against his hand. he inserted his middle finger inside of her and she brought his left hand to her left nipple. he grasped her nipple first demonstrating with it what he would eventually to do to her honey button.

shit. don't stop...whatever you do, don't stop.

he felt his hand become wet from his ministrations, her liquid dripping into his palm. he smiled as he felt her come apart in his hand. her clitoris still swollen as the aftershocks from her orgasm gripped her in quick spasms. at the base of her ear, his tongue flicking at her lobe, he said, one.


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