
a horrible, horrible flashback

but the tongue part was okay, wasn't it?

as i sat in rapt attention listening to my friend disclose last night's details that resulted in a very satisfied honeypot (hers not mine), i was yet again reminded of the bad sex that i had the misfortune of participating in this last saturday. let me say now, fellas if you feel it's a no go, DON'T DO THE SHIT, period. now that you all have seen how bad sex will fuck up a woman's week and get your shit put on blast - maybe not on the internet, but definitely to her girls - WALK AWAY FROM THE PUSSY. anyway, back to the lecture at hand. another gem that hs friend dropped after our coital debacle, was the above italicized line and it deserves repeating. "but the tongue part was okay, wasn't it?" i must be in the fucking twilight zone. what part of your dick not working gives you the audacity paired with the right to ask if your oral skills are on par with the rest of the kids that have dined at the y? you do not get a go, you do not get to collect $200. WOULD SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THE HELL HE WAS THINKING?!?!? you do not get a pat on the back and a dairy queen dipped cone because you failed reading but got a b- in music. you do NOT get kudos (or the drawers again, but i feel as though i'm beating a dead horse with that one).

God, why have i been cursed? people may think i'm playing, but i am really taking a silent prayer to God everytime i think back to saturday. is this karma? for what? in fucking, i have been respectful. i am an a-number one dick lover. i take the dick and all that it can do for me...i make it official and give it my love. my heart belongs to the dick-er-roni (please see Bobby Brown for specific reference - to a tenderoni not a dick-er-roni, it's not verbatim). i have never bitten a dick - although i have had good reason to - never cursed the dick, have always shown it proper respect. but i mean damn, there is only so much non-workingness a sister can take before she goes postal.

my honeypot is bitching. she is fucking cursing up a storm. nobody does us this way and walks away with his dignity. so i'm going to have to call hs friend today and tell him with the shenanigan that he pulled on saturday, yeah, he needs to lose my phone number. i'll be cordial when i see you, but as far as i'm concerned we shouldn't pursue ANYTHING OF A SEXUAL NATURE past this point. take care, peace, and good night, flaccid dick. this should be fun . . . now i can give him something to think about this week. it's kind of like the transferral of energy that morris chestnut pulled on vivica fox in "two can play that game." next time you hear from me, i'ma have some gaddam pep in my muthafuckin step. ol' bastard. in the words of that contemporary prophet, trick daddy, "you gon learn, you gon learn, but i gots to teach you."


  • At 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hmmmm, perhaps, just perhaps the little prick (I am not speaking from a size standpoint because I don't know him) was a tad pressured to perform. I know it sounds weird but at times those organs can feel pressure too. I'm not making any excuses for him b/c like I said, I don't know the guy. Believe me, I do know though that when the honeypot needs her protein, as I have been called upon to fill the pot quite a few times (not specifically yours =>), she means business. I love women who are unabated in their quest for achieving sexual satisfaction, but because in this country many suffer from sexual repression, a woman as sexually articulate as yourself may come off a little intimidating. When men lose that aspect of control it affects their performance and in his case it led to a severe reaction. Rest assured, it had nothing to do with attraction because I bet he was turned on by you. Contrary to popular belief there are many men who are stimulated mentally before their outer-selves manifest the synaptic transmissions. That's why it is easier for someone to achieve orgasms through personal manipulation because that individual remains in control and knows exactly the right time to 'act' on his/her desires.
    You know I got mad luv for you though =>


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