
a decision

i was reading through my previous posts, specifically the BDRs. and i noticed a common thread running through almost all of the gross inept coital misfunctions i have been cursed to be a part of: male ejaculation . . . in my mouth. whether the incident occurred as a result of passive-aggressive hostility on his part or an accident, it NEVER should have happened. so i've decided from now on, the next dick that comes in my mouth, i am going to vomit on his stomach. if a man "acidentally" comes in my mouth, i will "accidently" put my two fingers down my throat and regurgitate his semen and whatever else comes up on his stomach. i'm tired of women thinking that they have to be men's sexual punching bags. are you fucking kidding me? we have a right to get what we want sexually, and if a man cannot provide that then onto the next. now, i admit my own failings in these instances to vocalize what was perfectly acceptable and what wasn't, however i think that women are socially programmed to ignore their own wants, desires, dislikes, and hell-nos in order to please a man and save his ego. well no more. i don't mind oral sex. i had a conversation with a friend of mine and she shared with me that she likes the feeling of a dick in her mouth. i must agree. for me, though, it is less about the feeling and more to do with the power that is associated with giving a man pleasure. every moan, every twitch, every "oh my g-d" gives me a sense of power. i know that i am doing that to him--me--not anyone else--me. what's more, it is so very arrousing. and then, there are just some penises that deserve to be worshipped. it's like going to church--you must worship at the dick altar--but those men are few and far between.

so i write this to fill in the missing discourse of women's desire. if a muthafucka comes in your mouth uninvited, why choose to swallow or discretely spit when you can vomit?


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