
the little black dress, Part I

she looked over her shoulder at the clock. damn. she thought. he should have been here by now. there was just enough time for her to head to the local club up the street to steal a drink before closing. she wasn't in the mood for the loud music and gyrating bodies. but after such a shitty night, she needed a good man like jack daniels, maybe even a military man like captain morgan, to take her mind off...him. she slipped a simple black dress over her lacy boy panties. she didn't dare bother with a bra. size be damned, her nipples were aroused. as she waited for...him, in just her panties, the cool, december air wafted over her nipples engorging them, making them grow in color and shrink in size. damn him.

she walked down the cobblestone street to the club. dreams, it was called. she was hoping that her dream would come true tonight. but, reminded of what her mother had told her since she was young, never pin your dreams to a man. she wanly smiled at the bouncer as he looked from her ID to her face and asked to molest the items in her clutch with his flashlight. gum, her debit card, three gold foil squares still attached to each other, a cell phone, and astroglide--the modern woman's survival kit. he gave her a sly smile as his eyes slid the length of her body. finally they settled on and bulged at the sight of her breasts. her mind chortled with laughter. yes she knew her dress was translucent in the light--it may have been simple but it wasn't boring. she was never boring. slowly she raised to her left hand and daintly placed it over her nipple and, in her best marilyn monroe voice, questioned, what? he cleared his throat and motioned her in with his flashlight.

with less than an hour left until closing time, the girl at the front desk flicked her hand toward the thumping music and drunken haze drifting through red, blue, and flashing stobe lights. she hated strobe lights. she pulled back a delicate barstool perched to watch the action on the dancefloor. the sitting areas as well as the spaces around the bar were mainly empty excepting for the women who where scattered about the cushions and chairs saving their last steps in pinching shoes for the trip to the car. a couple of them, in poor taste, had gone as far as to take their shoes off. she looked down at her own silver slippers with the three-inch french heel. she had tied the lacy silver strings just above her ankle to give her support. she loved heels. loved the way in which they pushed her chest forward and her ass out.

as the bartender brought her a triple shot of jack, neat, she watched anxious men fumble their drunken hands across drunken women's bodies in hopes of making a corporal connection that would last after they left the club.

please don't turn around yet. i know you know what you're doing in that dress. i know that you are an intelligent woman. i don't want to get to know your mind...tonight. but i would like to acquaint myself with your body.

she tried to turn her head to fix her tormentor with the icy club stare. every woman has one, it is the polite look that aims to kill men's confidence on sight...before she even utters a word.

i said don't turn around. lean back against my chest. she did as she was told immediately deciding that it wouldn't hurt to lead the man on. plus his aggressiveness was intriguing. i don't want to hurt you. i simply want to fuck you.

hmmm. she thought. quickly she snaked her arm around his neck to stroke his closely cropped hair. nice, a fresh haircut. and...he's tall. she thought about her wasted evening. she was sexually unfulfilled. but what if he's ugly? that's inconsequential. what if he has a little dick and can't fuck? that was the issue. slowly she drug her fingernails down his chest slowly turning herself on her barstool. he took a small step back anticipating her next move. in a fraction of a second, he was between her legs his sports jacket hiding her hand as she stroked his semi-erect shaft. lord have mercy. she thought as her eyelashes flickered up toward his face. she focused on his keen features. and i do repeat, lord have mercy.

follow me. she said already off the stool and looking over her shoulder using her swaying backside to entreat his compliance. he grabbed her wrist and yanked her hard against his body. for a moment she was fearful. oh shit. what have i gotten myself into? surely flyers looking for my missing body will be plastered on telephone poles from coast to coast. i wonder if they will ever catch him. she hit the solid wall of his chest and raised her head to look directly at his mouth. i promise you, if we do this my way, he said, this will be the best night of your life.


  • At 2:12 PM, Blogger Weather Man said…

    hey thanx for da comment u took the time to read my song and i dont even know u so that "means something" so i read some of ur stuff black dress ws well wrote the begining poem should b published and i deff felt the statement of love

    dont b a stranger


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