
the little black dress, Part III

please check out the first two installments below . . .

standing there, still spread eagle, her red pashmina at her ankles, she tried to collect herself-her thoughts, her grounding, her breath, she felt his jacket encircle her shoulders. she looked over her shoulder. he stood casually only a few steps away, with his hands in his trouser pockets, her pashmina neatly folded and thrown over his shoulder as if to show his royal lineage. are you ready? she turned to face him her face lit with a smirk of mirth. she stood staring directly into his black orbs. slowly, without breaking eye contact, she grasped his right shoulder and lifted her leg. hooking her thumb in the waist band of her panties she tugged them down her right hip. she licked her lips, held tight to his left shoulder and pulled her panties down her ankle. she smiled bashfully and placed the delicate scrap of material in the interior pocket of his sports coat. ready.

he stepped out of the aclove and nodded for her to step out onto the well-lit cobblestone street. most of the traffic from the club closers had thinned by this time. your place, not mine? she smiled sweetly. he threw his head back and barked out a gale of laughter. i had something else in mind. his mouth wide from genuine amusement. he stepped close to her, bent his head, his lips hovering dangerously close to her own. warm? she could barely think, he had a mind-boggling effect on her.

"folks, we've got to clear this area. club's closed."

without moving his body or his head, he replied "we were just leaving officer." she lodged her hand between his shirt and belt buckle and pulled him the fraction of an inch to her mouth. she devoured his lips. she didn't stop, couldn't stop, when the officer chuckled and told them not to loiter too long. crazy kids. he thought.

he broke her kiss with a grin noticing the swell of her bottom lip from his kiss. he grabbed her hand and pulled it to his mouth. instead of kissing the back of her hand as she expected, he licked his lips and his moist tongue carressed her palm. slowly pulling her by her hand he led her to his car. she noticed that it was a mid-sized luxury car. domestic. those facts might come in handy if she found herself in his trunk later that morning. the car alarm chirped as it was disarmed. leading her to the passenger side of the car, he opened her door. he wore a warm smile as she slid into the leather bucket seat. he took his index finger and slowly traced her collarbone. he inched he finger deliberately down her chest until finally he arrived at her nipple. he tweaked it as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

as he jogged behind the car around to the driver's side, she thought. my turn. she turned a radiant face to him as he reached over and fastened first her seatbelt then his own. as the engine purred to life, sade softly crooned through the car speakers. a little trite, she thought. but definitely workable. soon they were headed east on the major thoroughfare out of the city and away from her home. every so often he would look at her from the corner of his eye. she pretended to watch the retreating skyscrapers as they made their way further east. she reached across the gearshift and felt his manhood. she was disappointed to find that he was just barely aroused. she chuckled.

i can do better than that.

he smiled at the way in which his words were served back to him. this was a sexy lady with personality and attitude. quickly and deftly with one hand, she undid his belt buckle, unzipped his pants, unfastened his pants, and began to stoke his member from the opening in his grey designer boxer briefs. in the matter of a minute he was fully aroused. she smiled a half smile at him. looks like turnabout is fair play.

she watched his knuckles lose their color as he gripped the steering wheel. beads of sweat dotted his forehead as she cupped her hand over the head of his turgid flesh. she noted the irony as sade sang about the kiss of life as she slowly lowered her head to his shaft. he expelled his breath at once, feeling the pleasure of her warm mouth surround the most sensitive part of his anatomy. she felt the car swerve slightly as she suckled lightly at the tip of his penis. she lapped at his member. his breathing became labored as she took him in her mouth inch by delicious inch. shit.it took everything in him not to speak in falsetto. she looked at his rigid dick and marveled at its beauty. it was beautiful--bobbing around in the receding city lights. she licked at the sensitive skin that connected the base to the tip. he gasped. then, she began to wet his penis from base to tip with her saliva. she applied more suction, tasting his salty essence. she applied pressure to the shaft as her mouth tongued his tip. he began to shudder and spasm. she laughed deep in her throat, humming against his dick. she never slowed her speed, taking great care to pay attention to the head. with her other hand she palmed his balls. ummmm...baby. damn it, baby. shit. she smiled as she increased the pressure of her hand and the suction of her mouth--worshipping his shaft with her carefully honed skills. he let his hand rest lightly on her head. normally, she would have stopped. but, it felt right. he wasn't trying to control her speed, rather, he was fighting for control. his breathing became more labored. pulling the car over, he removed his hand and placed his forehead on the wheel. he slowly leaned back in his seat, his body jerking each time she flicked and swirled her tongue on the head of his penis. with a weary exhale, he turned the car off.

we're here.

she raised her head not allowing him completion. her eyes glinted with laughter as she gently touched the corners of her mouth to fix her lip gloss. her eyes raked his face. as the last spasm rocked his body, he opened his eyes. he saw the triumph solidly present in her eyes.

touche. he said as he rested his head on his seat rest. as if those few moments rejuvenated him, he righted himself, undid her seatbelt then his own. after exiting the car and coming around to her side, he opened her door. he offered his hand and helped her out of the car. they stood in the unpaved driveway of an old victorian house ablaze with light. i guess he did bring me to his place, she thought.

he smiled at her as he closed the passenger door. he blanketed her body with his own, pressing her back against the car. he kissed her long and hard placing his hand between her breasts. he felt her heart accelerate and he again gained the upper hand. he opened her legs by pressing his hard member between her thighs. he ground his hard penis against her mound, lifting her off the ground. she moaned as she locked her left leg around his thigh, her knee at his buttocks. he felt the moisture at the juncture of her thighs penetrate her dress as well as his slacks through to his bare thigh. she broke his kiss as she flung her frenzied moan to the star-encrusted sky.

he took her hand in his and led her up to the porch that wrapped around the first floor of the house. he entertwined both of his hands with hers and pulled her close to him--her hands in his. suddenly her back was pressed solidly against a red door. slowly he dropped to his knees. immediately, she looked the property over for any neighbor's prying eyes. no neighbors to be seen this time of night, she felt the cold night air against her intimate place, her stomach, her breasts. she lifted her arms as he brought her dress over her head. she wasn't embarrassed by her nudity, in fact she was turned on and felt her secretions trickle antagonizingly down her thigh. again, he dropped to his knees. he was level with her pussy. she could feel his moist, warm breath on her neatly trimmed pubic hair. she lifted her hips toward his mouth. he leaned back, refusing to touch her with his mouth. he lifted her leg, supporting it at both her thigh and her calf. she lowered her hips back to the door. he placed her leg over his shoulder and looked up to her face. as his face neared her moist honeypot, his smile made her juices flow freely. his voice laced with sarcasm, he told her,

payback is a muthafucka

her left arm crept up the red door like a vine, as his tongue carefully began to lick the liquid streaming down her thigh.


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