
REPOST: The Get It List

1. Samuel L. Jackson
2. Sean Connery
3. TI
4. Trey Songz
5. Common
6. Morris Chestnut

HOLD THE PRESS! Prince has a new video out and Salma Hayek is the director. Lord knows I have seen it all! That's what I get for watching BET After Dark. And I get it now, this shit has to be played after hours to actually get any kind of respect. People are fucking not worried about who's singing or who directed the video. Damn, how boring is my life... Won't be for long (wink). It's always good for a girl to have options. Looks like option #2 is closer than I could have possibly expected (not Sean Connery option #2). Looks like the end of an era children and the beginning of a new one...

7. Sound engineer that I just met...what a possibility...
8. The Reflexologist...that's post for a later day.
9. Suomynona/Anonymous
10. The Generalist

To be amended later...


  • At 4:30 PM, Blogger Mistify said…

    I never considered that you might have a boring life... you write like you live the life others dream of. I needed your words the other morning but I cant do it, I cant willfully take myself away from him. I am not as selfless as I tried to convince myself...whatever the case, I will be riding this one out. Smile beautiful, and keep me posted on Option #2.


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