
a mighty fine new year

it's an old -ism that whatever it is that you are doing on new year's day will portend those things to come in new year. i spent 48 hours holed up in a hotel, having blissfully wonderful sex. not that i am complaining. in fact, i have no regrets or complaints--which is rare, right? typically, i have something to share about my sexual exploits, but, for some reason, i cannot do it this time. some things--especially the really great things, i guess, deserve to stay private. i want to hold onto and harness the wonderfully delicious experiences i had this weekend for a while longer.

i will say that i have never felt more sexually liberated than i did at the turn of the new year. i did some things i've never done, will probably never do with another man, and some really uncoordinated things. example? having sex (reverse cowgirl) and nearly falling off the dick and bed. while i don't think he found it terribly uncoordinated, it was terribly embarrassing for me even if he didn't take notice.

i met mc when i was particulary pissed off and completely finished with my current romantic interest (my choice--no really--my choice) and i wasn't looking to immediately enter into another romantic relationship. so ours was purely sexual and, after the first time, i kept calling. the sex must be beyond my wildest dreams because i can't let go of it and fear never having it again. what's more, i'm curious about the man who makes me so uninhibited, desiring to please him and me.

people who have had really good sex understand that when you've had great sex, you cannot allow yourself to go back to alright, mediocre, or just plain old good sex. you want the supernatural shit all the time. if you're wondering whether or not you've had good sex, then you haven't. once you have it, you know that it doesn't get any better. during our pre-/post-coital rest (pre- becuase were going to do it again, and post- because we had just finished), i told him that he had spoiled me. i have a distinct feeling that we will end up like the couple in the old movie "the same time next year" or something.


  • At 10:11 AM, Blogger Mo said…

    Thanks for stopping by, I am loving what I ahve read here so far. I'm putting you on our role and will be back often.

  • At 11:07 AM, Blogger ShyRocket said…

    Love your blog... great stories and great sharing. Keep it up... your helping many of us do that!

  • At 9:26 PM, Blogger Weather Man said…

    Nice new site setup i like it haha "licks" dats funny

  • At 5:15 PM, Blogger Mistify said…

    same time next year is my favorite move and my life in many ways, I have always wanted to remake it in todays eyes, we really do have a lot in common


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